A Citizens' Initiative To Create Love For Heritage & Culture. The Millenium City is a rich tapestry of art,handloom,handicrafts and performing arts. The Silver City has been at the centre of human civilsation for centuries and has been the hub of trade , commerce and maritime activities.
The walk attended by 25+ heritage enthusiasts from the twin cities of Cuttack & Bbsr, started from Nehru Indoor Stadium gate at around 6.45 AM. The 1st site was the historic Barabati Fort where the walkers led byShri Dipak Samantrai shared the info regarding the fort passing hand from Gangas to Gajapatis to Afghans to Moghuls to Marathas & finally to the Britishers. What remains now is just the remnants of a great fort systematically destroyed.
Silver Filigree Walk, a Cuttack Heritage Walks initiative, was specially curated to provide a window to the exquisite world of Silver Filigree of Cuttack. Known as Cuttacki Tarakasi it is a unique and fascinating art form. It’s origin is not exactly known, but evidence suggests that it gained credence and circulation during the Moghul era. Presently suffering from government apathy and social indifference, it is passing through a difficult phase.
Famous Silver Filigree Work from Cuttack – Crown Making. Copyright Photo of Bikash Chandra Das
It has a chequered history. Participants of Silver Filigree Walk on last Sunday went to a couple of workshops located in Alisha Bazar and Mohamadia Bazar area of Cuttck, the original hub of filigree art. They interacted directly with the artists and artisans. Filigree is designed by joining pieces of silver wire of various thickness without using mould as is done in other forms of art.
Barabati Beckons, the first edition of Cuttack Heritage Walks, launched successfully this morning. More than sixty heritage conscious citizens participated in the event. CHW is grateful to each and every participant for their love for heritage and culture.
Barabati Fort , Katak or Cuttack , Odisha A moment of pride for me & people who are from this place.
Barabati Fort, Cuttack
Cuttack preserves hoard of archaeological remains, one of the important monument of Cuttack town is Barabati fort, which speaks a history of seven hundred years and more is the mute witness of march of events through the centuries. Scholars give different opinions regarding the date of construction of Barbati fort. Madalapanji, the Jagannatha temple chronicle narrate an interesting story which is as follows. This king Bhima Parichha or Anangabhima II was residing in his capital called Chaudwar. One day the king crossed the Mahanadi and came towards southern side. Here he noticed in the Barabati village belonging to the Ko-danda sub-division that near the god Visweswar Deva, a heron had jumped upon a hawk. Seeing this the king was very much surprised and on an auspicious day laid the foundation of construction of the fort and this village was named Barabati Cuttack. And since then he left Choudwar and lived at Cuttack making it his capital.